Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cops and Robbers

Okay, for Halloween this year we wanted to go with a group theme. After tossing a few ideas out the window, we settled on cops and robbers. The older two were easy to convince. I mean, what little boy wouldn't want to pretend to be a police officer? But when we got the costumes for them and Boo didn't get one, he was a hard sell. Until, I informed Boo that he and baby would be robbers and they would have handcuffs and steal the candy from the police. The mischievous twinkle flashed in his eye and I knew he was in. I must admit that we were putting black electrical tape on sweatpants at the last minute. But we got the costumes finished and had a great time. Our neighborhood was fun to trick or treat in and even mom and dad participated. Pictures not included. Hope you enjoy!


jenny said...

Oh!!! So, so cute--you are so creative to think of that all on your own....and yes, I can see Boo as the perfect little robber. :-)

Great updates...Happy B-day Scooby!...8 sounds so old!

jj said...

I'm glad to see the cops are protected with reflective material on their costumes. I guess the robbers had to be mroe sneaky.